Десенсибилизация и переработка движениями глаз (EMDR)
Что такое ЭМДР?
• тревожность • панические атаки • проблемы со сном
• депрессия• фобии• посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство•
• ОКР• сезонное аффективное расстройство (САР)
Authentic Balance Counseling is a counseling practice dedicated to helping people find balance and well-being in their lives. We specialize in a variety of approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which is a therapy that helps to reduce symptoms of trauma and anxiety.
Our experienced counselors focus on providing a safe and supportive environment that allows clients to explore their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors so that they can work towards a more balanced and meaningful life.