Ke se Retablisman oswa revitalizasyon relasyon ou bezwen...
Ann pran sa Journey Ansanm
Kòm konseye prensipal nan Authentic Balance Counseling, Dr Carole Gilmore se yon Sipèvizè Konseye Pwofesyonèl Lisansye ki espesyalize nan konsèy maryaj. Pafwa, koup yo bezwen yon moun pou ede yo retabli oswa revitalize maryaj yo si relasyon ou ta ka itilize yon apèl pou rele jodi a!
"Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14
We provide exemplary counseling services to men and women of Collin County. By using an Adlerian framework for therapy coupled ak yon apwòch dirèk, nou kapab ede moun ak koup yo simonte yon pakèt pwoblèm. Nou itilize tou, Terapi Transfòmasyon Emosyonèl (ETT), ak Konsantre Solisyon ak Terapi Adlerian.

Marriage Restoration/Revitalization
Pòv kominikasyon, pòv jesyon finansye, pòv entimite fizik ak emosyonèl. Èske nenpòt nan pwoblèm sa yo son abitye? Pran Egzamen Relasyon nou an epi chèche konnen ki jan konsèy maryaj ka benefisye ou!
Nou travay ak koup chak jou ak menm pwoblèm sa yo. Pandan ane yo, nou te devlope yon plan ki pèmèt nou fè patenarya ak koup, ak siksè idantifye, adrese ak korije modèl konpòtman negatif ki ap kreye pwoblèm sa yo nan relasyon an.
Èske w fatige tou senpleman pou w marye epi w vle marye ak kè kontan? Poukisa ou pa fè yon chanjman? Rele epi pran randevou w jodi a!

Individual Counseling
The foundation of this practice is built on the scripture verse seen above. We believe everyone has an innate desire to be heard and our job is to provide an environment where we can do this comfortably and safely.
Creating an environment of comfort and safety for an individual can allow them to overcome life’s challenges. A comfortable and safe environment coupled with wise counsel and support can inspire individuals to function at their highest and most rewarding levels.
In the profound words of Judy Garland:
“Always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second-rate version of someone else.”
And simply put that is what we want for our clients.

Nou ofri Coaching pa Certified Life Coaches, epi nou te gen plezi nan travay ak kliyan yo devlope lide nan lavi reyèl opòtinite biznis. Nou te ede kliyan etwat epi detèmine chemen karyè ki aliman ak pasyon yo ak objektif alontèm yo.
Office Hours
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 9am - 7pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 10am - 7pm
Friday: 10am - 2pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Should you be arriving by car, there is a parking lot with ample parking for our clients.
3900 S. Stonebridge Drive, #604 McKinney, TX 75070
Nimewo Kontakte:
(469) 946-8255 telefòn
(972) 546-7914 fax